November 30, 1929 – Johnny Horton is born in Los Angeles. His biggest hit is “The Battle of New Orleans,” which tops Chart Toppers’s Hot 100 for six weeks in 1959 and sells more than 1 million copies. #ROCkabillyHop #JohnnyHorton #HappyBirthday
November 29, 1959 – At the second Annual Grammy Awards, Bobby Darin wins for Best New Artist and also takes the award for Record of the Year for “Mack The Knife,” which is still at #1 on the Hot 100. This is the first time the event is televised, and also the only time the ceremony is held at the end of the year instead of early the following year, meaning nothing in December 1959 is Grammy eligible. This faux pas is rectified with awards for 1960 given out in early 1961. #ROCkabillyHop @bobby_darin2 #BobbyDarin #MackTheKnife
November 29, 1957 – Sid Varnes, Cash Box’s editor-in-chief, sends a telegram to The Crickets informing them that the Juke Box Operators of America have voted them “Most Promising Vocal Group of 1957.” Source: The Buddy Holly Center, 1801 Crickets Ave., Lubbock. @buddyholly @BuddyHollyCtr #ROCkabillyHop #buddyholly #TheCrickets
November 29, 1935 – Peanuts Wilson was born Johnny Ancil Wilson in Riversville, West Virginia. Raised in Odessa, Texas. Wilson was a member of Roy Orbison’s group The Teen Kings in 1956. He released two singles of his own (one in 1957 and one in 1963) without success. He later became a country music songwriter. #ROCkabillyHop #PeanutsWilson #TeenKings @ROYORBISON @Royorbisonjr #RoyOrbison #HappyBirthday
November 28, 1960 – Elvis Presley’s “Are You Lonesome Tonight?” hit #1 in the US for the first of 6 weeks. Presley recorded the song at the request of Col. Tom Parker, it was his wife’s favorite song. #ROCkabillyHop @ElvisPresley #Elvis #theKing #AreYouLonesomeTonight
November 28, 1940 – Bruce Channel, known for the 1962 hit “Hey Baby,” is born in Jacksonville, Texas. #ROCkabillyHop #BruceChannel #HeyBaby #HappyBirthday
November 27, 1963 – Elvis Presley’s 13th film, “Fun in Acapulco” opens nationally and quickly goes to number five at the box office. The soundtrack featuring the Top 10 hit “Bossa Nova Baby” goes to the top five on the pop chart. #ROCkabillyHop @ElvisPresley #Elvis #theKing #FunInAcapulco #BossaNovaBaby
November 26, 1979 – In London, Bill Haley, on what would be his last tour of the UK, plays for Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II at the Royal Command Performance. #ROCkabillyHop @billhaleymusic #BillHaley
November 26, 1972 – Chuck Berry was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with ‘My Ding a-Ling’, his only UK No.1. The song was originally recorded by Dave Bartholomew in 1952. Berry’s version was from a concert recorded at the Locarno ballroom in Coventry, England, on February 3, 1972. Boston radio station WMEX disc jockey Jim Connors was credited with a gold record for discovering the song and pushing it to No.1 over the airwaves and amongst his peers in the United States. #ROCkabillyHop #ChuckBerry @ChuckBerry #MyDingALing
November 26, 1955 – Bill Haley’s “Rock Around The Clock” becomes the first rock and roll record to hit #1 in the UK, thanks to its inclusion in the movie Blackboard Jungle. #ROCkabillyHop @billhaleymusic #BillHaley #RockAroundTheClock #BlackboardJungle