
January 26, 1956 – Buddy Holly, Sonny Curtis, and Don Guess

January 26, 1956 – Buddy Holly, Sonny Curtis, and Don Guess begin their first recording sessions for Decca at (Owen) Bradley’s Barn in Nashville under the name Buddy and The Two Tones. They recorded Love Me, Don’t Come Back Knocking, Midnight Shift, and Blue Days Black Nights. @buddyholly @BuddyHollyCtr #ROCkabillyHop #buddyholly #TheCrickets RocHop

January 23, 1986 – The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

January 23, 1986 – The first annual induction ceremony for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is held in New York. Among those inducted are Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, the Everly Brothers, Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis Presley. @buddyholly @BuddyHollyCtr #buddyholly #TheCrickets @ChuckBerry @ElvisPresley @jerryleelewis @RealFatsDomino #ROCkabillyHop #RocHop

January 23, 1957 – Bill Haley and His Comets, Little Richard, the Treniers, and Dave Appell and his Applejacks

January 23, 1957 – The film Don’t Knock the Rock premieres in Australia. Bill Haley & His Comets, who appear in the film and are touring Down Under, attend the show. Other stars in the film include Little Richard, the Treniers and Where Are They Now file residents Dave Appell & his Applejacks. @billhaleymusic #ROCkabillyHop #RocHop