March 5, 1962 – The Marvelettes

March 5, 1962 – The Marvelettes sing “Twistin’ Postman” on The Ed Sullivan Show. With a heavily accented blues beat, it would ultimately reach #34 on the Pop charts and #13 on the R&B charts, failing to perform as well as their first song, the #1 hit “Please Mister Postman.” #ROCkabillyHop #RocHop #EdSullivan @EdSullivanShow #Marvelettes #TwistinPostman

March 5, 1960 – Elvis Presley

March 5, 1960 – At 9:15 am, Elvis Presley is officially discharged from the United States military at Fort Dix, New Jersey. He will remain on reserve for another four years. He collects a final paycheck of nine dollars and eighty-one cents and boards a train for Memphis. #ROCkabillyHop @ElvisPresley #Elvis #theKing #USArmy #RocHop